Since March 22, 2024, it has been possible once again to make online donations to PHASE Austria.
By clicking the donation button, you will be redirected to the 256-bit SSL encrypted page of our payment service provider at
Thank you for your support!

PHASE Austria account information:
Here we would like to express our gratitude to ERSTE Bank for waiving the fees for our bank account.
AT08 2011 1287 6388 9200
Since 2011, PHASE Austria has the Austrian “Spendengütesiegel”, a seal of approval for efficient use of donations. Thanks to volunteers for a number of activities, we are able to keep our administrative costs to a minimum. PHASE Austria is audited annually by an external auditing firm.
PHASE Austria is a registered charity – donations are tax-deductible in Austria (registration number SO-2226).
If you would like to deduct your donation from Austrian tax, please give us your date of birth and enter “consent to data transfer to BMF” into the field “your message”.