Access to healthcare services, hygiene, drinking water and toilets are ongoing problems in remote and disadvantaged communities of Nepal.

Health for All: primary healthcare and maternal and child health

The focus of our health projects is on healthcare for mothers and small children, and on raising awarness regarding hygiene and nutrition. Qualified staff provide ante- and postnatal care and offer professional help in childbirths, and closely monitor the nutrition status of small (under five-year-old) children.

By providing qualified staff and medicine as well as training for staff, by improving buildings and offering health education in schools as well as awareness raising in the communities, and by improving sanitation (toilets, drinking water), PHASE addresses different levels in order to improve the situation long-term and make people understand their right to healthcare. In this way, we hope that communities will start to invest more in healthcare and become self-sufficient in the long run.

Integriertes Programm zur Verbesserung der medizinischen Versorgung von Müttern und Kindern in Mugu, Westnepal

Mothers and Children

In the context of an integrated programme, the project aims to improve nutrition and health of women and children in western Nepal …

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Urbane Gesundheit für die Bedürftigsten

Urban Health

This two-year Urban Health project had a particular focus on maternal and child health as well as persons living with a disability …

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Wasser und Hygiene für Bama, Mugu

Water and Sanitation

The main aim of this project was the improvement of sanitation and water supply in the villages of Bama, Nafa, and Thumbada …

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PHASE Austria finanzierte zwei ANMs (Auxiliary Nurse Midwives – Hebammen mit zusätzlicher Gesundheitspflegeausbildung) sowie Medikamente und Verbrauchsmaterial für den Gesundheitsposten, die den Zugang der Bevölkerung zu primärer Gesundheitsversorgung sicherten.

Health Post in Chumchet

PHASE Austria funded two ANMs (Auxiliary Nurse Midwives) as well as additional medicine and equipment for the government health post in Chumchet…

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Vermeidung und Behandlung infektiöser Durchfallerkrankungen

Reducing and Treating Diarrhoea

In 5 VDCs (Village Development Committees) in Bajura District, PHASE implemented a two-year focus programme to reduce the incidence of diarrhoeal diseases and to improve treatment …

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Gesundheit und Bildung als Kinderrechte

Health and Education

With support from the City of Vienna from its call “Child Rights and Development Cooperation”, PHASE Austria implemented a project in 6 VDCs in Gorkha …

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Wiederaufbau der Outreach Clinic in Hagam

Outreach Clinic Reconstruction

Sindhupalchok was one of the worst-hit districts in the earthquakes of April and May 2015 – around 90% of buildings were destroyed …

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