Mag.a Brita Pohl – Chair
„PHASE inspires with its integrated approach to supporting disadvantaged communities, enabling them to emerge from the viscious circle of poverty, poor health and lack of education and to actively shape their own rights, empowering them to advocate for their own rights. By working for PHASE, I can contribute to achieving a noticeable and sustainable improvement for the people in our project communities.“
Responsible for the use of funds, privacy protection, fundraising, and project management

Dipl. Psych. Senta Vogl – Deputy Chair
„In my youth, there still were similarly remote farms in Austria and South Tyrol as there are in Nepal. We successfully developed these. I support PHASE so people in Nepal can find their way out of poverty and lack of education, while still being able to integrate their ancient knowledge into progress.“

Sarah Pohl – Secretary
„In my eyes, PHASE represents the ideal NGO: its high transparency, inclusive approach, and particular focus on the empowerment of women and girls mean that with my work with PHASE Austria, I am able to make a real difference for people in the most remote regions of Nepal.“

Florian Cirtek – Vice Secretary
„PHASE is a very special project for me because it clearly and transparently shows what really reaches the people. I am happy to be able to help achieve something!“

P. W. – Treasurer
„On my first trekking tour to Nepal, children asked me for ‘one Rupee’ more than once. Of course I knew at the time that this wasn’t even the proverbial ‘drop in the ocean’. Some 25 years later, I am very happy to be able to help people in a more sustainable manner by working with PHASE.“

Mag.a Daniela Gahleitner – Deputy Treasurer
„I am immensely impressed with the way this organisation implements the concept of empowerment.“